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Version: I2022.3.0

New Features and Improvements

AtScale contains the following new features and improvements.

New redesigned version of Projects

There is a new redesigned version of the Projects section in the Design Center, which provides new features and better user experience. You can switch to the new version using the Projects Beta toggle in the top right part of the Design Center. For more information, see Projects and Cubes and Common Navigation Tasks.


Support for Databricks SQL

You can now use Databricks SQL. For more information, see Adding Databricks Data Warehouses.


Support for SuperDAX MD

AtScale now supports connections to Power BI using the SuperDAX MD (Multi-Dimensional) dialect. SuperDAX MD provides increased query efficiency and greater maximum concurrent throughput. Greatest benefit can be observed when running Power BI Service workbooks with many visualizations and many concurrent users. Also, SuperDAX MD makes it possible to use Power BI's Hierarchical Slicer control. For more information, see Using Using SuperDAX MD.


Using Kerberos for inbound authentication

You can now configure AtScale to use Kerberos for inbound authentication connections (when using Windows Authentication) with Microsoft Excel, Power BI Service, and Power BI Desktop. For more information, see Kerberos connections to XMLA endpoints.


Power BI Filters on Measures

AtScale supports Power BI filters on Measure as of 2022.3.0. To use this feature, set the Engine setting QUERY.FACTLESS.IGNOREINCIDENTALFILTER = FALSE and restart the Engine. Note that Power BI Measure filtering is NOT supported on AtScale Calculated Measures that use dimension modification functions such as lag, parallelperiod, periodstodate, parent, siblings, children, descendants, ancestor, and so on.


Using parameterized DECIMAL and BIGDECIMAL data types on Google BigQuery

When using Google BigQuery as a data warehouse, parameterized DECIMAL and BIGDECIMAL data types are now displayed in the Composer with the correct precision/scale. Also, it is now possible to convert or create calculated columns based on these data types.


Support for Timeline in Excel

When using Microsoft Excel as a BI client you can now use the Timeline feature.


Support for showing only selected items in Excel

When using Microsoft Excel as a BI client you can now use a filter to keep or hide selected items.


Specifying ProjectID for Google BigQuery data warehouses

When adding or modifying a Google BigQuery data warehouse, now you should enter the ProjectID in which the Aggregate Schema resides. This allows setting up multiple connections, so that aggregate creation can be handled by a different service account than the one that handles user query execution. For details, see Adding Google BigQuery Data Warehouses.


Support for N-Dimensionally modified tuple expressions

When creating calculated measures you can use tuple expressions that use dimensional modification on more than one dimension. For details, see Tuple Expressions.


Changing maximum header length

There were cases where it was impossible to complete certain actions in the Design Center, and there were error messages about inability to obtain the engine status. Now this can solved by changing a parameter that affects the connection between the Design Center and the AtScale Engine. For details, see Changing maximum header length.


Configuring automatic aggregates builds after publishing a project

In case you need automatic aggregates builds after a project is published again to be disabled, you can use the new cube-level settings, ,, and For more information, see About Cube Level Configuration Settings.


Timing for current aggregate instance

In case an aggregate instance is currently building, the query monitor now displays its current start and time duration.


Partitioned UDA when using Microsoft SQL Server

Partitioned user-defined aggregates are not supported when using Microsoft SQL Server as a data warehouse. In case such aggregates are defined, when you inspect them in the aggregates monitor you would now observe an error message: Dynamic table partitioning is not supported in the context where the Project is published.


Support for Hierarchical slicers

Hierarchical slicers in Power BI are now supported.


Beta features

AtScale offers Beta support for the following features:

  • Using external secret storage

    Support for external secret managers (SM) will give you an opportunity to store all data warehouse (DW) passwords in one place (SM), and point AtScale to use this SM instead of typing the credentials manually. In 2022.3.0 AtScale will support this functionality in beta stage, and only Vault and AWS Secret Manager will be the options to use. (ATSCALE-7708)

Official support for these features is planned for future releases. If interested in beta testing, please contact your Customer Success Manager.