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New Features and Improvements

AtScale contains the following new features and improvements.


AI-Link is now available for containerized AtScale. AI-Link is a Python interface that facilitates code-based workflows by providing programmatic access to AtScale's Semantic Layer. For more information, refer to the AtScale Container AI-Link documentation.

Composite Models

AtScale supports a new object type called composite model. These are models made up of multiple other models that share a dimension, as well as calculations specific to the composite model itself. When you deploy a composite model, all of its referenced objects are deployed as a single model.


Composite models are a public preview feature.

Composite models are defined by composite_model objects in SML, and can be added via the new object button in the Repo Browser panel.

For more information on working with composite models, see the AtScale SML Object Documentation on GitHub.


Connecting and Deploying to Tableau Server

You can now configure AtScale to integrate with Tableau Server, enabling you to deploy catalogs and models directly to Tableau.

For instructions on configuring connections to Tableau Server, see Configuring Connections to Tableau Server. For instructions on deploying catalogs to Tableau, see Deploying a Catalog.


Aggregates page now in Design Center

The Aggregates page is now available in Design Center, enabling all users to view and monitor aggregates for their models. You can access the Aggregates page from the main navigation bar.

For more information on the Aggregates page, see Monitoring Aggregate Usage.


Query Planning Optimization

AtScale now optimizes the planning stage for queries on complex calculated metrics involving large numbers of CASE statements, resulting in faster processing times. For information on how the optimization works, see Optimizing Queries for Calculated Metrics.

ATSCALE-21342, ATSCALE-21002

Repo Browser Enhancement

The Repo Browser now displays the folders and objects in your repository in alphabetical order, making it easier to locate items in large repositories.


Databricks Impersonation

AtScale now supports impersonation for Databricks data warehouses. For information on configuring impersonation for Databricks, see Adding Databricks Data Warehouses.


Cancel Aggregate Batch Builds

You can now cancel aggregate batch builds from the Build tab for your deployed catalogs. After starting a build, clicking the button a second time cancels it. For more information on aggregate batch builds, see Rebuilding Aggregates Manually.