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Deploying a Catalog

Deploying a catalog deploys all of the models in the repository so they can be accessed and queried from BI tools.


When you deploy a catalog, all models in the selected repository are deployed. Before deploying, you should verify that it is safe for all models in the repository to be deployed. Additionally, once a model is deployed, all users have access to it by default. For information on updating permissions on deployed models, see Configuring Permissions on Deployed Models.

About this task

Deployinging a catalog generates the following files and information for each model:

  • Tableau .tds files
  • A JDBC connection URL
  • An MDX connection URL
  • An connection string for ODBC and SQL connections

If you have configured AtScale to deploy to Tableau, you can also select the specific servers you want to deploy the catalog to. For more information, see Configuring Connections to Tableau Server.

Deploy a Catalog

  1. In the Workspace panel, select the repository and branch you want to deplploy.
  2. In the main navigation bar, click the Deploy button. The Deploy panel opens.
  3. (Optional) Edit the Display Name and Query Name for the catalog.
  4. Click Deploy.

The deployed catalog appears in the Deployed Catalogs panel.

Deploy a Catalog to Tableau Server

To deploy a catalog to Tableau server:

  1. In the Workspace panel, select the repository and branch you want to deploy.
  2. In the main navigation bar, click the Deploy button. The Deploy panel opens.
  3. (Optional) Edit the Display Name and Query Name for the catalog.
  4. In the Deploy To section, enable the Tableau toggle.
  5. In the Tableau sites to deploy dropdown, select the servers and sites you want to deploy the catalog to.
  6. Click Deploy.

Viewing deployed catalogs

Deployed catalogs appear in the Deployed Catalogs panel, which can be accessed from the main navigation bar. Here, you can search for and view all of your deployed catalogs.

Next Steps

Configuring Permissions on Deployed Models