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Version: I2025.2.x

Settings for Automatic Removal of Unused Aggregates

Use these settings to purge system-generated demand-defined aggregates with zero utilizations after a configurable time period, independent of the set retention limit. This improves resource utilization within the target data warehouse. When system-generated demand-defined aggregates meet the criteria for removal, they are first deactivated and then later deleted from the target data warehouse.


Restriction: Your user ID must have the Manage Aggregates permission.

To access the organization setting:

  1. Choose Settings > Organization Settings: Aggregates
  2. The setting is within the General Settings section.


Enable or disable the setting for the organization. Then, set a time period ranging from 10-365 days, to track the daily usage of aggregate definitions during the aggregate purging time window. Only system-generated demand-defined aggregate definitions with zero utilizations identified during the time window (default of 45 days) will be purged by the AtScale engine.

Additional Utilization Information

To monitor the utilization of an aggregate definition, the Utilizations (Cumulative) and Utilizations (Recent) statuses were added to the Aggregate Definition drop-down. To access the drop-down:

  1. Select the Aggregates tab
  2. Locate your aggregate definition.
  3. Select the > made visible by hovering over an individual aggregate definition.
  4. Observe the Utilizations (Cumulative) status, which lists the total number of queries that have used the aggregate since its inception.
  5. Observe the Utilizations (Recent) status, which lists the total number of queries that have used the aggregate over the past x number of days. The number of days corresponds to the value set from the organization level Window Size setting on the Aggregate Settings page.

Attention: The AtScale Engine updates the recent utilization counts for active aggregates once every eight hours at 00:30, 08:30, and 16:30 UTC. Due to this behavior, the recent usage value seen on the aggregate definition drop-down may be lower than you would expect if it were calculated on-demand. It will be missing any uses of the aggregate since the last update.