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Version: I2025.2.x

Create an Organization

AtScale allows you to have multiple organizations. Each organization is managed independently of other organizations.

Before you begin

You must be logged in as a super user to create an organization.


Note: As part of setting up a new organization, you enter a port number for the organization. Consult your system administrator about which port is available for use.


To create an organization:

  1. Select Settings from the main navigation, choose Organizations under the Global Settings section.

  2. Click Create Organization.

  3. Enter a Name for the organization. The name should not contain spaces or special characters.

  4. Enter the port number for the orgnization.

    If you plan on using the PostgreSQL JDBC driver to connect to Tableau, you must set the Postgres Server Port field. For more information, see Installing PostgreSQL JDBC drivers.

  5. Click Create Organization.