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Version: I2025.2.x

After Initial Installation

You can install AtScale in a stand-alone or cluster configuration.

First-time guided product setup

When you first log in after installing AtScale, be sure to use the Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) as the AtScale URL, not the IP address.

After successfully logging in to AtScale, you are guided through the initial setup:

  1. If prompted, upload and validate your license key file.
  2. Change the admin password.
  3. Select your data warehouse type, and review the section Adding Data Warehouses for the specific requirements of each data warehouse.
  4. If you selected Hadoop, specify the SQL engine to connect to.
  5. Enter the port which BI tools will use to connect to AtScale. BI tool users must have access to this port.
  6. Select the directory service for AtScale to use. For production installations an external directory service is required (LDAP or Microsoft Active Directory). For non-production and non-cluster purposes AtScale provides an embedded directory service that you may use for experimenting with AtScale. An external service is required for clustered AtScale installations.
  7. If you specify an embedded directory, you must provide the directory. Click Show Configuration.
  8. Click Finish.

After completing the product setup, the Welcome page appears. For users with the permissions to create a new cube, there are five options to choose from when creating a new project and modeling a new cube:

  1. Start from Scratch - create your own model from a blank canvas.
  2. Use a Sample to Explore - Choose a sample model with sample data to quickly explore modeling from the AtScale downloads site.
  3. Import Existing XML - Import and modify from an existing XML file.
  4. (AtScale 7.1.0 and later) Import from Tableau - Use an import wizard to import a data model and data from Tableau.
  5. (AtScale 7.4.0 and later) Import from SSAS - Use an import wizard to import a SQL Server Analysis Services (SSAS) model.