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Version: I2025.2.x


Similar to the ALLEXCEPT DAX function, this function evaluates a given tupleExpression as if all other cube hierarchy references explicitly reference the hierarchy's ALL member, with the exception of the hierarchies listed in hierarchySet.


ALLMEMBEREXCEPT(tupleExpression, hierarchySet)

Input Parameters

Required. The tuple expression to evaluate. This can be any in supported tuple syntax, including:

  • Canonical static tuple syntax, including key and name member references.
  • Canonical dynamic tuple syntax that uses currentMember.
  • Dimensionally-modified tuple syntax, such as currentMember.lag(), currentMember.parent().
  • A measure reference. In this case, all other dimension hierarchies are implicitly set to the ALL member.

Required. A set of one or more hierarchies. BI tool users can influence the tuple calculation by grouping or filtering on only the hierarchies listed in hierarchySet.


Expands the given tuple to explicitly set the ALL member for every dimension except Mydim.MyHierarchy and Mydim2.MyHierarchy2. This allows the BI tool user to either group or filter on Mydim.MyHierarchy and Mydim2.MyHierarchy2.

ALLMEMBEREXCEPT((Mydim.MyHierarchy.currentMember.lag(1), Measures.[salesAmount]), {Mydim.MyHierarchy, Mydim2.MyHierarchy2})