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Version: I2025.2.x

Optimizing Queries for Calculated Measures

AtScale automatically optimizes the planning stage for queries on complex calculated measures involving large CASE statements. The following sections describe how this optimization works.

Query Planning Optimization

Before beginning the physical query planning, AtScale simplifies the queried measures by resolving any large CASE statements they contain. The engine does the following:

  • Resolves the contextual properties (level number, level name, member name, etc.) that result in constants.
  • Simplifies the expressions in which the constants are used.

The following sections describe these two processes in detail.

Resolving constraints

Although there are several possible types of constraints that can be used, the optimization primarily considers equality, inequality, disjunction (or), and conjunction (and). These are resolved as follows:

  • Equality and inequality: If the constant expression can be resolved as true, it is replaced by true.

  • Disjunctions: If one of the constant expressions can be resolved as true, the whole expression is replaced by true.

  • Conjunctions: The following logic is used:

    • If any constant expression can be resolved as false, the whole constraint is replaced by false.
    • If all constant expressions can be resolved as true, but there is at least one that can only be resolved in the database, then the conjunction cannot be resolved and is therefore not replaced.

For example, consider the following queries on a level called A:

  • level_name = "A" OR sales > 0 is replaced by true.
  • level_name = "B" OR sales > 0 is not replaced.
  • level_name = "B" AND sales > 0 is replaced by false.
  • level_name = "A" AND sales > 0 is not replaced.

Resolving CASE statements

When simplifying a CASE statement, there are three possible outcomes:

  • Return the value of the first CASE that is true.
  • Return the default value (else).
  • Return a simplified version of the CASE statement.

When processing the CASE statements (in order), the engine searches for one that is evaluated as true, keeping the ones that are not resolved and discarding the ones resolved as false.

When a true case cx is found, if there are no unresolved cases before it, then the cx returned is the correct one. However, if there are unresolved expressions before cx, they could return true when evaluated in the database, so cx is added to the list of unresolved statements.

To simplify:

  • If a result is found, it is returned.
  • If no result is found and there is no unresolved expression, the default value is returned.
  • If no result is found but there are unresolved expressions, a new CASE statement using only the unresolved expressions is returned.

For example, consider the following queries on level A:

  • case when level_name = "A" then 1 results in 1.
  • case when level_name = "B" then 1 else 0 results in 0.
  • case when level_name = "A" OR level_name = "B" then 1 results in 1.
  • case when level_name = "B" then 1 case level_name = "A" then 2 else 3 results in 2.
  • case when sales > 10 then 0 when level_name = "B" then 1 case level_name = "A" then 2 else 3 results in case when sales > 10 then 0 case level_name = "A" then 2 else 3.

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