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Version: I2025.2.x


The function returns the nth, or ranked, member in a set. You can use it to return one or more elements in a set, such as the top sales performer or the top 10 students.

Before you begin

Ensure you know the syntax and specifics of the CUBERANKEDMEMBER. For details, see CUBERANKEDMEMBER function.


CUBERANKEDMEMBER(connection, set_expression, rank, [caption])

The following examples show how you can use the CUBERANKEDMEMBER function.


Here, set_expression uses single dimension tuple.

MDX query name: :

[4] = Accessories (Product Category)
[26] = Bike Racks
[27] = Bike Stands
[28] = Bottles and Cages

Example: :

C32=CUBERANKEDMEMBER("Connection Name",CUBESET("Connection Name", {"[Product].[Product Categories].[Category].&[4].&[26]","[Product].[Product Categories].[Category].&[4].&[27]","[Product].[Product Categories].[Category].&[4].&[28]"},"My Set",2,"[Measures].[Order Quantity Long]"),3)


Here, set_expression uses multidimensional tuple.

MDX query name: :

[4] = Accessories (Product Category)
[26] = Bike Racks
[US] - United States

Example: :

C33=CUBERANKEDMEMBER("Connection Name",CUBESET("Connection Name","([Product].[Product Categories].[Category].&[4].&[26],[Customer].[Customer Geography].[Customer Country].& [United States])","My Set",0,"[Measures].[Order Quantity Long]"),1)