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Version: I2025.2.x

Getting Cube Connection Information

After a cube is published, it is available for client connections and queries. You can obtain the connection details for a published cube in the Design Center.

About this task

When you are configuring a client connection to an AtScale cube, you will need the connection details such as the AtScale server host, port, and project name. The connection details you'll need depend on the type of client connection you're configuring (ODBC, JDBC, or XMLA).


Tableau is popular ODBC-compliant BI application. For such applications, AtScale generates application-specific data source descriptors. See Connecting to AtScale from Tableau by Using a Tableau Data Source (TDS) File or for details on using these files to connect and query an AtScale cube.


  1. At the top of the Design Center, click the Projects tab; for details, see Managing Projects.
  2. From the left-hand Projects pane, click the project that contains the cube.
  3. In the list of published projects, click the cube that you want to view the connection information for.
  4. Click the Connect tab.

More information

Publish a Project