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Version: I2022.4.1

Known Issues

Before installing or upgrading AtScale, please review this section to be aware of all known issues.


Simba Hive driver only supports ASCII character set

Non-ASCII character sets are not interpreted properly by the Simba Hive driver.


Synchronizing Directory

When the Synchronize Directory (Not Recommended) option in Settings > Options is enabled, and there is a synchronization filter defined in Security > Directory > Synchronize, choosing the Sync Now button might occasionally cause the Design Center to stop working.


Value of Proxy User Attribute is displayed incorrectly

After upgrade to AtScale 2022.4.1, the value of the PROXY USER ATTRIBUTE setting in Security > Directory > Setup is always shown as 'sAMAccountName'. The operation of the AtScale system is not affected - the real value of this setting is stored internally and used correctly.



Selecting Parent or Ancestor Calculation and Secondary Attribute from Same Hierarchy

When using a BI tool, selecting a parent or ancestor calculation and secondary attribute from the same hierarchy leads to query issues.


Orchestrator service parameters are not displayed

In the Orchestrator tab, on choosing the Service Config button and selecting an available service the service parameters were not displayed.


Some queries to Databricks might fail

When using Databricks as a data warehouse, some queries might fail with the "Error occured while deserializing arrow data" error. The root cause is suspected to be related to the SPARKJ-573 known issue.


Cannot convert infinity to numeric

When using PostgreSQL as a data warehouse, a query could fail and the "org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: cannot convert infinity to numeric" message could be observed in the logs. The reason for this is the version of PostgreSQL (11.13) supported by AtScale does not provide support for the Infinity value.