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Version: I2022.3.0

Known Issues and Limitations when Using Looker with AtScale

When using Looker with AtScale please be aware of the following known issues and limitations.


Note: When modeling Date Hierarchy Levels in AtScale, consider that setting Name column bindings to a String column type is not compatible with Looker. To be compatible with Looker's date capabilities, these Name column bindings must reference a date-like database column such as: Date, DateTime, or Timestamp.

Looker Time-based Filtering is not Supported for: DB2, SQL Server

AtScale does not support Looker date filtering queries when connected to: DB2, SQL Server.


Using "Subtotal" in Looker

The Subtotal feature in Looker is supported only when AtScale is configured to use Google BigQuery as the data warehouse. Using this feature with other data warehouses is not supported yet.


Using Special Characters in an AtScale Role-Playing Prefix such as "." Causes Invalid LookML Generation

AtScale will generate invalid, duplicate dimension definitions in LookML if the AtScale Role-Playing configuration contains special characters such as ".". To avoid this problem, AtScale suggests avoiding the use of non-alphanumeric characters in AtScale Role Playing configurations.


Display name and query name should be the same

If the cube name is different than the cube query name, AtScale will show an error while trying to download the LookML files.

To expose an AtScale cube to Looker, the Cube's display name and query name must have the same value. You can do this by turning on the "Also rename the cube query name" checkbox while renaming the cube.