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Tables Settings

AtScale supports the following settings for configuring aggregate tables.


  • Default: 1.2
  • Restart: No

Specifies the maximum number of partitions per table for underlying SQL engines. Some SQL engines have their own maximum number of partitions allowed per table. Before being passed to SQL engines, this value is multiplied by TABLES.CREATE.PARTITIONS.MAXIMUMESTIMATEDNUMBEROFPARTITIONS.


  • Default: true
  • Restart: No

Set to True to enable the AtScale engine to partition table types that can be partitioned.


  • Default: 0.2
  • Restart: No

Specifies the maximum number of partitions per node for underlying SQL engines. Some SQL engines have a maximum number of table partitions per node. Before being passed to SQL engines, this value is multiplied by TABLES.CREATE.PARTITIONS.MAXIMUMESTIMATEDNUMBEROFPARTITIONS.


  • Default: 800
  • Restart: No

Specifies the maximum estimated number of partitions to consider acceptable for an instance of a user-defined aggregate. The creation of an instance will fail if the estimate is larger or cannot be calculated.


Building tables with significantly more than 1,000 partitions may use high amounts of resources and require cluster tuning.