📄️ Configuring Global Settings
Global settings enable you to control the behavior of the AtScale engine.
📄️ Settings Page
The Settings page enables AtScale admins to manage global settings repositories and view all currently configured global setting overrides.
📄️ Aggregate Settings
AtScale supports the following global-level settings for aggregates.
📄️ AtScale Settings
The following settings configure the AtScale host.
📄️ Authentication Settings
The following settings configure AtScale authentication.
📄️ Catalog Settings
The following settings configure behavior related to deployed catalogs and models.
📄️ Compute Table Stats Settings
AtScale supports the following global-level settings for configuring compute table stats.
📄️ Connection Settings
The following settings configure AtScale connections.
📄️ Data Sample Settings
The following settings configure AtScale data sampling.
📄️ Data Warehouse Settings
The following settings configure AtScale's behavior when adding data warehouses.
📄️ Database Settings
AtScale supports the following database settings.
📄️ DB2 Settings
AtScale supports the following settings for configuring DB2 data warehouses.
📄️ DFS Settings
AtScale supports the following settings for configuring distributed file systems.
📄️ HDFS Settings
AtScale supports the following settings for configuring HDFS.
📄️ Hive Settings
AtScale supports the following settings for configuring Hive.
📄️ HTTP Settings
AtScale supports the following HTTP configuration settings.
📄️ Impala Settings
AtScale supports the following settings for configuring Impala.
📄️ Kerberos Settings
AtScale supports the following settings for configuring Kerberos authentication.
📄️ Keycloak Settings
AtScale supports the following settings for configuring Keycloak.
📄️ Load Balancer Settings
AtScale supports the following settings for configuring load balancers.
📄️ Loki Settings
AtScale supports the following settings for configuring Loki.
📄️ Metadata Export Settings
AtScale supports the following settings for configuring metadata files exported for deployed models.
📄️ PGWire Settings
AtScale supports the following settings for configuring PGWire.
📄️ Query Settings
AtScale supports the following settings for configuring queries.
📄️ Query Engine Settings
AtScale supports the following settings for configuring the query engine.
📄️ Redis Settings
AtScale supports the following settings for configuring Redis.
📄️ Redshift Settings
AtScale supports the following settings for configuring Redshift data warehouses.
📄️ REST Settings
AtScale supports the following settings for configuring sample data.
📄️ Schema Settings
AtScale supports the following schema configuration settings.
📄 ️ Secret Settings
AtScale supports the following settings for configuring secrets.
📄️ Shareable Stats Settings
AtScale supports the following settings for configuring sharable statistics.
📄️ SOAP Settings
AtScale supports the following settings for configuring SOAP requests and responses.
📄️ Spark SQL Settings
AtScale supports the following settings for configuring SparkSQL connections.
📄️ SSL Settings
AtScale supports the following settings for configuring SSL.
📄️ Statistics Settings
AtScale supports the following settings for configuring statistics.
📄️ Support Zip Settings
AtScale supports the following settings for configuring support .zip files.
📄️ Tableau Settings
AtScale supports the following settings for configuring Tableau connections.
📄️ Tables Settings
AtScale supports the following settings for configuring aggregate tables.
📄️ Thrift Settings
AtScale supports the following settings for configuring SSL for Thrift.
📄️ Thrifty Settings
AtScale supports the following settings for configuring Thrift.
📄️ XMLA Settings
AtScale supports the following settings for configuring XMLA.
📄️ Changing Engine Settings
Engine settings enable you to configure the behavior of the AtScale