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For dates and times only. Defines a format for the expression's return values.


Format(Expression, [Format], [First_Day_Of_Week], [First_Week_Of_Year])


The MDX expression to format.

The format to apply to the expression's return values. This parameter supports the following values:

  • dd: The day of the month, with a leading zero: 01-31.
  • d: The day of the month, with no leading zero: 1-31.
  • mmmm: The full month name.
  • mmm: The abbreviated month name.
  • mm: The month of the year, with a leading zero: 01-12. Begins with January (01).
  • m: The month of the year, with no leading zero: 1-12. Begins with January (1).
  • yyyy: The full three- or four-digit year: 100-9999.
  • yy: The last two digits of the year: 00-99.
  • y: The day of the year: 1-366.
  • ww: The week of the year, with no leading zero: 1-53. Week 1 begins on January 1.
  • WW: The week of the year, with a leading 0: 01-53. Week 1 begins on January 1.
  • w: The day of the week, with no leading zero: 1-7.

The day to use as the first day of the week. This parameter supports the following values:

  • vbUseSystem
  • vbSunday (Default)
  • vbMonday
  • vbTuesday
  • vbWednesday
  • vbThursday
  • vbFriday
  • vbSaturday

The week to use as the first week of the year. This parameter supports the following values:

  • vbUseSystem
  • vbFirstJan1: Default. The week of January 1.
  • vbFirstFourDays: The first week with four days that fall in the year.
  • vbFirstFullWeek: The first full week of the year.


The following example returns the current date in yyyymmdd format:

[Order Date Dimension].[Order Date Month Hierarchy].[Day].&[`CInt(Format(Now(), "yyyymmdd"))`]