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Version: I2025.2.x

Minimum System Requirements for an AtScale Installation

This section describes the requirements for dedicated nodes for an AtScale installation, regardless of the data platform that you will access via AtScale.

Before you begin

  • Running Clustered AtScale requires the external load balancer and three AtScale machines, referred to as follows:

    • Coordinator Host - runs the AtScale Coordinator
    • Master Host (AtScale Application Host) - runs full AtScale (only designated "Master" during installation but not at run-time)
    • Standby Host (AtScale Application Host) - runs full AtScale (only designated "Standby" during installation but not at run-time)
  • AtScale requires a number of ports to be available, and no other services should run on those ports. See below for the complete list of ports.

About this task

Provision the AtScale hosts and open ports as described:

AtScale Application Host Specification

PropertyAtScale Application Host System Requirements
64-bit Linux Operating SystemsRed Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 8 Ubuntu 20.04 Ubuntu 22.04
Software and OS Utilitiescurl, rsync, unzip, sed, awk, ping (use iputils-ping if Debian or Ubuntu), whoami, hostname, find, cp, mv, grep, sort, date, tail, timeout, ps, env, which, cat, libreadline-dev (required by Ubuntu 20.x)
Memory128 GB recommended, 64 GB minimum
CPU32 cores recommended, 16 cores minimum
Disk200 GB (for AtScale installation and metadata catalog)
Network1 Gbps reliable network connectivity between the AtScale server and the data warehouse Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) host addresses should be used rather than IP addresses. Each FQDN must have a valid DNS entry and resolve to a valid IP address. Reverse DNS must be set up for your network. AtScale's master database will not start properly in a clustered installation without access to Reverse DNS. In the case of AtScale Clusters, elastic scaling is not supported, therefore your cluster configuration must consist of a static list of host names with working DNS entries. Changing the host membership of the cluster requires down-time.
OS LimitsUse ulimit to remove the atscale user limits for the following: open files - unlimited or 65536. cpu time - unlimited virtual memory - unlimited max user processes - unlimited or 65536. file size - unlimited Be sure to make the limit changes so that they survive a restart. Failure to raise these limits will prevent various AtScale services from starting.

AtScale Coordinator Host Specification

PropertyAtScale Coordinator Node System Requirements
64-bit Linux Operating SystemsRed Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 8 Ubuntu 20.04 Ubuntu 22.04
Software and OS Utilitiescurl, rsync, unzip, sed, awk, ping (use iputils-ping if Debian or Ubuntu), whoami, hostname, find, cp , mv, grep, sort, date, tail, timeout, ps, env, which, cat
Memory16 GB minimum
CPU4 cores minimum
Disk200 GB
Network1 Gbps reliable network connectivity between the AtScale server and the data warehouse Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) host addresses should be used rather than IP addresses. Each FQDN must have a valid DNS entry and resolve to a valid IP address. Reverse DNS must be set up for your network. AtScale's master database will not start properly in a clustered installation without access to Reverse DNS. In the case of AtScale Clusters, elastic scaling is not supported, therefore your cluster configuration must consist of a static list of host names with working DNS entries. Changing the host membership of the cluster requires down-time.
OS LimitsUse ulimit to remove the atscale user limits for the following: open files - unlimited or 65536. cpu time - unlimited virtual memory - unlimited max user processes - unlimited or 65536. file size - unlimited Be sure to make the limit changes so that they survive a restart. Failure to raise these limits will prevent various AtScale services from starting.

AtScale Virtualization Layer Host Specification

PropertyAtScale Virtualization Layer Host System Requirements
64-bit Linux Operating SystemsRed Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 8 Ubuntu 20.04 Ubuntu 22.04
Software and OS Utilitiescurl, rsync, unzip, sed, awk, ping (use iputils-ping if Debian or Ubuntu), whoami, hostname, find, cp, mv, grep, sort, date, tail, timeout, ps, env, which, cat
Memory32 GB minimum AtScale recommends allocated a maximum of 75% of memory for virtualization, leaving the remaining for the operating system and buffer cache. Recommended memory allocation depends on application use. To determine how much your application uses for a certain dataset size, use the following calculation: Concurrent Users * Activity Rate * (2 * Average Row Size) * Average Rows Per Query Returned * 200% Join Factor * (200% of Average Query Complexity [1-2]) Average query complexity is relative to the use of features such as time relative calculations or calculations requiring MultiPass.
CPU8-16 core recommended, 4 cores minimum Recommended memory allocation depends on application use. To determine how much your application uses for a certain dataset size, use the following calculation: Concurrent Users X Activity Rate X 1 Cores Per Query X Average Query Complexity [1-2] Average query complexity is relative to the use of features such as Time Relative calculations, or calculations that require MultiPass.
Disk200 GB minimum (for AtScale installation and metadata catalog) AtScale recommends 4-8 disks per node configured without RAID as separate mount points. (Linux: Mount disks with the noatime Linux mount option.)
Network1 GBPS reliable network connectivity minimum, 10 GBPS recommended Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) host addresses should be used rather than IP addresses. Each FQDN must have a valid DNS entry and resolve to a valid IP address. Reverse DNS must be set up for your network. AtScale's master database will not start properly in a clustered installation without access to Reverse DNS. In the case of AtScale Clusters, elastic scaling is not supported, therefore your cluster configuration must consist of a static list of host names with working DNS entries. Changing the host membership of the cluster requires down-time.
OS LimitsUse ulimit to remove the atscale user limits for the following: open files - unlimited or 65536. cpu time - unlimited virtual memory - unlimited max user processes - unlimited or 65536. file size - unlimited Be sure to make the limit changes so that they survive a restart. Failure to raise these limits will prevent various AtScale services from starting.

Reserve the following ports for AtScale services:

Use this table to configure your Data Center's firewall.

  • IN: Traffic originating from the end client/outside the cluster with a destination into the AtScale cluster.
  • OUT: Traffic originating from AtScale with the destination outside the AtScale cluster.
ServiceDescriptionNode Type(s) for Running ServiceDirectionDefault Port
engineAtScale engine (HTTP, XMLA)Application and EngineIN10502
engineAtScale OLAP engine listener service (SQL)Application and EngineIN11111-11119
engineCommunication to data sourcesApplication and EngineOUTJDBC Data Source-Specific
engineCommunication to LDAPApplication and EngineOUTLDAP-Specific
engineCommunication to KDCApplication and EngineOUTKDC-Specific
modelerAtScale Design Center web application serviceApplication and EngineIN10500
modelerAuthorization messagesApplication and EngineIN10503
data agentCommunication to data sourcesVirtualization Listener, Virtualization WorkerOUTJDBC Data Source-Specific
data agentCommunication to LDAPVirtualization Listener, Virtualization WorkerOUTLDAP-Specific
data agentCommunication to KDCVirtualization Listener, Virtualization WorkerOUTKDC-Specific
orchestratorNode provisioning and monitoringIN10540
orchestrator UINode provisioning and monitoringIN10510
query-engine 1AtScale horizontal scalingApplication and EngineIN10541

1 License Protected Feature: This service is not enabled by default and requires a special license to activate.

Internal Communications Within the AtScale Cluster:

Use the following table to configure internal Data Center firewalls, cross Data Center port forwarding, or validate that AtScale servers are operating with reasonable behavior.

  • IN: Traffic originating from another AtScale node with a local destination.
  • LOCAL: Traffic only within the local node.
  • OUT: Traffic originating from the node to another AtScale node.
  • INTERNAL: Should only be used for debugging purposes.

Services Running

engineModeler requestsIN10502
engineEngine to engine communicationIN, OUT10507
engineAtScale authorizationLOCAL, OUT10503
engineCommunicate with Virtualization ListenerOUT10511
engineCoordinator requestsLOCAL10513
engineEgress HTTPOUT10582
modelerAuthorization messagesLOCAL, IN10503
modelerAuthorization messagesLOCAL, OUT10583
modelerModeler egressLOCAL, OUT10580
orchestratorNode provisioning and monitoring, UI egressOUT10591
orchestratorNode provisioning and monitoring, Auth egressOUT10583
servicecontrolWeb application for managing servicesINTERNAL10516
coordinatorConnect messagesIN, OUT10505
coordinatorElection messagesIN, OUT10506
coordinatorClient requestsIN10513
databaseQuery requestsLOCAL, IN, OUT10520
databaseLeader detection serviceLOCAL, IN, OUT10519
egressAtScale database leader serviceIN, OUT10518
egressDatabase queriesLOCAL, OUT10520
virtualization_supervisor 1Driver messages listenerIN10531
virtualization_supervisor 1Manager portIN10532
virtualization_supervisor 1Master portIN10533
virtualization_supervisor 1Supervisor Web PortINTERNAL10534
agentConfiguration notificationLOCALSocket only
data_agentData segment listenerLOCAL10502
data_agentJMXIN, INTERNAL13502
data_agentRemotingIN, INTERNAL10507
ingressCoordinator messagesOUT10513
virtualization_worker 1Worker portIN10535
virtualization_worker 1Worker web portINTERNAL10536
virtualzation_listener 1Listener serviceIN10511
virtualzation_listener 1Listener UI portIN10530
directoryNon-prod authorizationIN10514
directoryNon-prod authorizationOUT10524
proxy statsproxy statsOUT10517
query-engine 1AtScale horizontal scaling, jmxIN13541
query-engine 1AtScale horizontal scaling, remotingIN10507
gov_rulesGovernance Rules ServiceIN10545
gov_rulesGovernance Rules ServiceOUT10546
gov_enforcerGovernance Enforcer ServiceIN10547
gov_enforcerGovernance Enforcer ServiceOUT10548

1 License Protected Feature: This service is not enabled by default and requires a special license to activate.

Hadoop cluster requirements for AtScale (only required when connecting to a Hadoop Data Warehouse)

When AtScale is connected to a Hadoop cluster, the following permissions and cluster resources are required:

Cluster disk spaceDisk space in the Hive warehouse for AtScale smart aggregate tables. Allocate roughly 30% of the raw data size for storage. AtScale aggregate tables are created per cube in a designated Hive database.
Cluster permissionsThe atscale user needs: read permissions to source data files; ownership of a dedicated user home directory in HDFS or MapR-FS; read and write permissions on the AtScale aggregate and UDAF schemas. If enabling AtScale impersonation then grant the read permission on the AtScale UDAF schema to all Active Directory users who will run queries through AtScale.
Cluster resourcesMinimum open file limit = 5000