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Version: I2025.2.x

Viewing a Sample of Dataset Rows

AtScale lets you to view a sample of a dataset's rows. Viewing a sample of rows allows you to examine the column values and decide which data to base your cube attributes on.

About this task

AtScale queries the underlying table and returns a limit of 10, 50, 100, or 1000 rows. You can configure the limit.


  1. Open the cube canvas that has the dataset you want to view, or drag a dataset onto the canvas from the project library.

  2. Click the hamburger icon in the dataset header. That icon looks like this:


  3. Select View Raw Table Data.

    Columns are listed in natural column order. Use the filter control to locate a particular column name.


Note: If your data warehouse is an instance of Google BigQuery, calculated columns do not appear.

  1. Choose the number of rows you want to view. (Default: 10 rows).
  2. Close the preview pane when you are done.