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Version: I2025.2.x

Editing and Removing Security Dimensions

Editing a Security Dimension

To edit a security dimension you click the security dimension's context menu and choose "Edit". Editing a dataset is subject to the following restrictions:

  • You may not change the security dimension's dataset
  • Changing column assignments is limited to the two columns originally chosen, allowing you to effectively switch them.
  • The Lookup Rules may be changed without restriction.
  • The Scope setting may be changed without restriction.

Removing a Security Dimension Relationship from the Dimension Canvas

Removing a security dimension from a dimension canvas removes only the dimension's usage of the security dimension. The definition of the security dimension still exists and is available for data modeling. If a security dimension is not connected to a dimension it will not be enforced by the engine.

To remove security dimension usage by removing its relationship:

  1. Double click on the relationship that links the security dimension to another dataset to open the "Edit a Relationship" dialog.

  2. Click the "REMOVE" button.

  3. The system asks for confirmation by displaying "Are you sure you want this to be removed?". Confirm the removal by clicking the "OK" button.

  4. The result is as follows:

    • The definition of the security dimension still exists on the canvas and is available for data modeling.
    • If not connected to other datasets, the engine will not enforce the security dimension.

To remove security dimension usage by removing it from the canvas:

  1. From the Canvas, click on the security dimension's context menu (three line icon in the upper right hand corner).

  2. Click the "REMOVE" option.

  3. The system asks for confirmation by displaying "Are you sure you'd like to remove the ABC Dimension from the XYZ Dimension? ". Confirm the removal by clicking the "OK" button.

  4. The result is as follows:

    • The security dimension is removed from the canvas, but still exists in the project library for data modeling.
    • If not connected to other datasets, the engine will not enforce the security dimension.

Removing a Security Dimension from a Project

To remove a security dimension from the entire project:

  1. Opening the library panel and filtering for the security dimension by name.
  2. In the library panel click the security dimension's action menu (three dots icon), and choose Delete.
  3. Confirm the removal by answering the question, "Are you sure you want to remove the XYZ dimension?" by clicking "OK".

The system will remove the definition of the security dimension from the project as well as all uses (aka "relationships") of the security dimension.

More information

Create a Security Dimension