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Version: I2025.2.x

Importing Tableau Files

You can create a data model by importing Tableau files in the Design Center.

Before you begin

  • Ensure that your user ID is assigned to a role that has the Create Projects permission for the current organization. By default, the Organization Admin role has this permission.

  • An AtScale project uses metadata about the physical columns in the underlying database. Tableau TDS files don't contain this information. To ensure AtScale can access the metadata:

    • In Tableau, open the file, right-click the data source, and select Add to Saved Data Sources. The metadata should then be added to the saved file so it can be used for conversion.
    • Alternatively, use a TWB file for the following import procedure, or a ZIP file containing both TWB and TDS files.


  1. After signing in to AtScale, from the AtScale home page click Import from Tableau under Quick Start.

    The Project Wizard appears. Use the Next button to step through the wizard.

  2. In the Import Wizard, click Browse and select the file to import.

    If AtScale detects errors in the file, you will see an error message. If this happens, you have to correct any errors in the file and re-upload it before proceeding.

  3. Enter the project name and select the data sources.

  4. Review the import summary. If more than one warning is displayed, click Next and Back to view them. Click Download Report to save the conversion report for later review.

  5. Set the initial permissions for your project. Projects and cubes are created with the system-configured default design-time and run-time security values. The default system values for design-time and run-time access are open to all users. A Super User Administrator can change this behavior to Exclusive Access by changing the Default Project/Cube Security from the Settings > Organization Settings: Options page.


Note: A user must have the Administer Organization permission, or be the installation Administrator to change run-time and design-time security settings. When creating a project with a Wizard, a non-administrator can see the security settings of the project, but cannot change them.

  • Yes, allow all: Allow all users in the organization to read, update, delete, and publish the project. The initial cube in the project is created and all users in the organization have read, update, and delete permissions on it.
  • No, just me: Allow only yourself, organization admins for the current organization, and super users to access the project. The initial cube in the project is created with the same restriction.
  1. Click Finish to exit the wizard and load the cube.


When you view an overview page for a cube in the project, a Recommendations tab displays some of the modeling warnings and recommendations that resulted from the Tableau import. You can expand and collapse the results, view only recommendations or warnings, and delete the results (not recommended).