Resolved Issues
The following issues have been resolved.
Published cubes and projects took a long time to load
Both the Projects page and published projects on the Design Center Welcome page took a long time to load. This occurred in environments that contained high numbers of projects. This issue has been resolved, and load times have been reduced.
Microsoft Excel: Filtering on level aliases multiple times caused errors
In Excel, pivot tables displayed errors when a level alias was applied as a filter multiple times in a row. This issue has been resolved.
Microsoft Excel: Multiple rows incorrectly displayed the same values on AtScale I2024.2.0
On AtScale I2024.2.0, Excel reports incorrectly displayed the same values for multiple rows. This was the result of an optimization released in I2024.2.0 to improve Excel query performance (ATSCALE-16696). This issue has been resolved.
If you are on AtScale I2024.2.0 and use Excel, it is recommended that you upgrade to I2024.2.7 to avoid this issue.
Excel: Queries that returned very small Exact Precision Decimal values produced an error
When using Excel to query models configured to use the Databricks data warehouse, queries that returned very small Exact Precision Decimal values (~0.0000) resulted in an error. This issue has been resolved.
Incremental aggregate builds failed during query planning
Incremental aggregate builds failed during query planning when the number of partitions configured by AGGREGATE.INCREMENTALUPDATE.MAXCONSECUTIVESTATICPARTITIONS was exceeded. This issue has been resolved.
Schemas could not be created/updated in restored AtScale databases
In restored AtScale databases, schemas could not be created or updated. This issue has been resolved: The database restore script has been improved to explicitly set the database owner, rather than relying on the default system owner.
Query planning failed for superusers
Queries run by superusers failed during the query planning stage. This issue has been resolved.
Last Build Duration was incorrect for failed aggregates
On the Aggregates page, the Last Build Duration value was calculated incorrectly for failed aggregates. This issue has been resolved.
AtScale could not import aggregate definitions if the connectionID contained special characters
Importing aggregate definitions failed if the new connectionID contained special characters. This issue has been resolved.
AtScale created invalid outbound Snowflake queries
AtScale created invalid outbound Snowflake queries. This issue has been resolved.
Incremental builds using only dimensions doubled the results
AtScale incorrectly attempted to process dimension-only aggregates incrementally if the underlying dataset was configured as eligible for incremental aggregate builds via the Shared Library panel, resulting in incorrect aggregate data. This issue has been resolved.
AtScale does not support the incremental building of dimension-only aggregates. Additionally, non-degenerate dimension-only aggregates are fully reprocessed even if they are based on a shared dataset that is configured with incremental-build arguments.
Custom ParallelPeriod comparison configuration was ignored
Custom ParallelPeriod comparison configurations were being ignored, resulting in incorrect query results. This issue has been resolved.
Iris JDBC did not support CTEs
Previously, the AtScale functionality that enables the query planner to use Common Table Expressions (CTEs) was not supported for Iris data warehouses.
This issue has been resolved. If you had previously disabled the QUERY.PLANNING.ALLOWCTES
engine setting to avoid this issue, you can now enable it.
Some GBQ aggregate creation queries falsely displayed as Failed
Some Google BigQuery aggregate creation queries displayed as Failed when they actually succeeded. This issue did not affect the display of the aggregate instance status, which correctly displayed as Active. This issue has been resolved.
Outbound aggregate creation queries for UDAs increased, causing aggregate creation timeouts
Outbound aggregate creation queries for UDAs increased drastically in size and took a long time to process. This resulted in aggregate creation timeouts. This issue has been resolved.
Microsoft Excel: Semi-additive measures produced errors when accessed with hierarchy levels below the join level
Excel reports produced an error when the user attempted to view results of a semi-additive measure at a hierarchy level below the one the measure was based on. This issue has been resolved.
Calculated measures that referenced calculation groups produced undesired results for some calculations
Using calculation group references in calculated measures with ratios produced incorrect results for some calculations (for example, last year growth metrics).
This issue has been resolved: AtScale now allows you to include references to calculation group members within calculated measures, which enables you to create these types of calculations. For more information, see Support for referencing calculation group members in calculated measures in New Features and Improvements, and Referencing Calculation Groups in Calculated Measures.
Semi-additive measures defined with two or more dimensions did not produce results
Semi-additive measures defined with two or more dimensional attributes did not produce results. This issue has been resolved.
Using calculation groups in a three-element tuple produced incorrect results
Referencing calculation groups in a calculated measure using a three-element tuple produced incorrect results. This issue has been resolved.
Calculated measures that referenced tuple measures and calculation groups produced errors
Calculated measures that referenced both a tuple measure and a calculation group resulted in errors in reports. This issue has been resolved.
The cube-level setting query.language.dax.blockDimModifiedMeasureFilters was not applied to perspectives
The query.language.dax.blockDimModifiedMeasureFilters
setting can be applied at both the cube level and the engine level (as a custom setting). However, the cube-level value was not applied to perspectives within the cube; the engine-level value was used instead.
This issue has been resolved, and the cube-level value of query.language.dax.blockDimModifiedMeasureFilters
now also applies to perspectives.
Microsoft Power BI: Calculated measures using MDX Count to count siblings of a hierarchy caused reports to fail
In Power BI, reports failed when they contained a single calculated measure that used the Count MDX function to count the number of siblings of a hierarchy. This issue did not occur for reports that contained multiple calculated measures. This issue has been resolved.
Validation for semi-additive measures
Starting in I2024.2.7, AtScale checks semi-additive measures at publish time to ensure their semi-additive attributes are valid. A measure’s semi-additive attribute could become invalid if:
- The relationship to the attribute is deleted or recreated.
- The attribute itself is deleted.
If your cube contains invalid semi-additive attributes, you will receive an error in the Publish wizard that lists the attribute’s ID. If this occurs, do the following:
- Export the project.
- Search the project XML for the attribute ID listed in the error message.
- Fix the attribute in Design Center.
- Republish the project.
Semi-additive measure validation is enabled by default, and can be controlled via the schema.validate.semiAdditiveJoinLevel
engine setting. If you want to disable validation, you can disable this setting. No engine restart is required.
Query-based datasets failed to save after their SQL statements were edited
Query-based datasets failed to save after their SQL statements had been edited. This issue has been resolved.
Building system aggregates with semi-additive measures failed
Building system aggregates for semi-additive measures failed. This issue has been resolved.
Semi-additive measures with level aliases showed wrong grant totals
Semi-additive measures with level aliases showed wrong grand total values. This issue has been resolved.
Microsoft Excel: Values for CUBEMEMBER expressions did not display after reports were saved, closed, reopened, and then refreshed
In Excel, reports did not display values for expressions using the CUBEMEMBER MDX function after the report was saved, closed, reopened, and then refreshed. This issue has been resolved.
Excel: The Cubemember and CubeValue MDX functions sometimes displayed #N/A for valid responses
In Excel, Cubemember and CubeValue MDX functions sometimes displayed values of #N/A for valid responses. This occurred when a Cubemember or CubeValue function anywhere in the report returned a value that did not exist in the database. This issue has been resolved.
Excel: Pivot tables with grouped fields and multi-select filters did not show latest data when refreshed
In Excel, pivot tables with grouped fields and multi-select filters did not show the latest data after they were refreshed. This issue has been resolved.
Excel: Fields with multi-select filters could not be grouped
In Excel, fields in pivot tables could not be grouped when they had multi-select filters applied. This issue has been resolved.
Excel: Slicers only showed first values of hierarchies with default members defined
In Excel, when a slicer was used in a pivot table on a hierarchy that had a default member defined, the slicer only showed the hierarchy’s first value, rather than its default value. This issue has been resolved.
Excel: Moving the Values column below an attribute in the Columns area caused Grand Totals to disappear
In Excel, moving the Values column below an attribute column in the Columns area of the PivotTable Fields pane caused Grand Totals to disappear from pivot tables. This issue has been resolved.
Excel: Using filters with grouped fields caused errors
In Excel, applying filters to grouped fields in pivot tables caused errors. Errors also occurred when grouped fields were used as filters. This issue has been resolved.
NULLEXCEPT MDX function did not work with secondary attributes
The NULLEXCEPT MDX function did not work when used with secondary attributes. This issue has been resolved: NULLEXCEPT now works with both secondary attributes and level aliases.
Calculation groups showed the same Subtotal and Grand Total on partial selection of months on a time hierarchy
In reports that included calculation groups, on partial selection of months in a time hierarchy, the Subtotal at the year level and the Grand Total displayed the same values. This issue occurred when the year level had a Custom Empty Member defined. This issue has been resolved.
Excel: Creating groups on filtered rows worked but produced errors
In Excel reports, creating a group on a filtered row produced an error. After the error was dismissed, the group was successfully created. This issue has been resolved: groups can now be created on filtered rows without errors.
Microsoft Excel: Filter applied on unrelated dimension level did not show relevant values for non-admin users
In Excel, filters were not properly applied at the dimension level for non-admin users. This issue has been resolved.
Outbound query optimization for unrelated dimensions
AtScale now includes an optimization for outbound queries on base measures that use the Include empty cells in query results option for unrelated dimension handling. This optimization improves performance for sub-queries that generate SELECT statements for all columns assigned with NULL values.
Excel: Keep Only Selected Items filter was slow
In Excel, applying the Keep Only Selected Items filter to high cardinality secondary attributes and level aliases resulted in slow performance. This issue has been resolved: the filter’s performance for secondary attributes and level aliases is now optimized.
Microsoft Power BI: Visualizations failed when calculation group values were filtered out
In Power BI, matrix and table visuals failed when one or more values from a calculation group were filtered out via Filters on this visual > Time Calculation > Basic Filtering. This issue has been resolved.
Power BI: Matrix visualizations with degenerate levels resulted in error
In Power BI, expanding/collapsing results in matrix visualizations that included degenerate levels on rows resulted in an error. This issue has been resolved.
Excel: Using calculation groups as filter slicers resulted in error
In Excel, using calculation groups as filter slicers resulted in an error. This issue has been resolved.
Power BI, Excel: Single-level hierarchies displayed without hierarchy name
In Power BI and Excel, single-level hierarchies with no secondary attributes displayed without the hierarchy name. This issue has been resolved: hierarchies now always display with their dimension, hierarchy, and level names, whether or not they include secondary attributes.
PowerBI: Sort keys did not work on secondary attributes
In PowerBI, sort keys did not work on secondary attributes when there was only one in the hierarchy, resulting in values not being properly sorted. This issue has been resolved.
PowerBI: Reports did not render when they contained Decimal secondary attribute values of 20 or more digits
In PowerBI, reports did not render when they contained secondary attributes whose values were of type Decimal and were 20 or more digits in length. This issue has been resolved.
FluenceXL: Drill-down actions did not work properly in reports
In FluenceXL, drill-down actions did not work properly in reports. This issue has been resolved.
FluenceXL: Filtering measures by name in MDX did not work
Filtering measures by name in MDX did not work in FluenceXL. This issue has been resolved.
Multi-cube models accessed via the inbound PostgreSQL interface were not completely updated on publish
For AtScale installations that use the PostgreSQL interface, publishing projects with multiple cubes could create race conditions that resulted in only a subset of those models being created in the metadata database. This issue has been resolved.
Renaming UDAs caused aggregate build failures
When a user-defined aggregate was renamed, rebuilds of the aggregate failed. This issue has been resolved.
Nginx Updated to 1.26.2
Nginx was updated to 1.26.2 to address an Nginx EOL (1.22.0_1) in a previous release.
Excessive traffic over the Engine to Engine communication channel caused by XMLA sessions could lead to engine restarts and lookup query timeouts in clustered AtScale environments
In clustered AtScale environments (with or without Query Engine nodes), if requests containing the same XMLA sessionId occur against multiple hosts, the requests and responses for those sessions were transferred across the Engine to Engine communication channel back to the original host that registered the session. This could result in the Engine to Engine communication channel becoming overloaded, causing cube level and other session state lookups to time out. This, in turn, could lead to user query failures or restarts of the secondary Engine nodes, due to heartbeat keep alive timeouts.
This issue has been resolved. XMLA sessions are now managed so that the Engine or Query Engine node that receives a user request now processes the request and sends the response, directly avoiding the transmission of these requests over the Engine to Engine communication channel.
Duplicate aggregates created for some partitioned aggregates
A condition was found where AtScale could create duplicate aggregates of partitioned aggregates. The only difference between the duplicates and the originals was the ordering of their contents. This issue has been resolved.
Microsoft Power BI, Excel: Reports and queries failed when SOAP.SAFE.XML.PARSING was enabled
The AtScale Engine setting SOAP.SAFE.XML.PARSING
can be enabled to prevent XXE attacks. Previously, when this setting was enabled, Power BI and Excel reports and queries would fail against AtScale. This issue has been resolved: when the setting is enabled, Power BI and Excel queries and reports should no longer fail.
is disabled by default. To enable it, go to Engine > Settings and click Custom Settings. Enter the following values, then click Save.
- Setting Name:
- Setting Value:
You do not need to restart the engine after changing this setting.
ATSCALE-16773, ATSCALE-20815
Broken Access Control Vulnerability
Low privileged users were able to access details for private projects and cubes, such as names, descriptions, and cube/project IDs, via the API. This issue has been resolved. Authorization checks have been improved to ensure that only users with the appropriate permissions can access private project/cube details.
Insecure Direct Object References Vulnerability
Low privileged users were able to update private cubes that were in a draft state via the API. This issue has been resolved. Authorization checks have been improved to ensure that only users with the appropriate permissions can edit cube details.
Queries failed during planning stage
In AtScale I2024.2.1, queries occasionally failed during the planning stage. This issue has been resolved.
Queries were generated using unnecessary outer joins
When fact-connected security dimensions were enabled, queries on unconnected dimensions were generated using unnecessary outer joins, resulting in slowed performance. This issue has been resolved.
Security dimensions were incorrectly applied to unconnected dimensions
Security dimensions with Use Filter Key lookup rules were incorrectly applied to queries on unconnected dimensions. This resulted in multiple unnecessary lookup queries being generated for all queries. This issue has been resolved.
Microsoft Excel: Incorrect grand totals displayed for semi-additive measures
In Excel, grand totals for first/last non-empty semi-additive measures displayed the same values as additive measures with an aggregation function of SUM, rather than the respective first/last non-empty value for the first/last key value defined. This issue has been resolved.
Excel: Queries on unrelated dimensions and measures produced syntax errors
Queries on cubes that contained unrelated dimensions and measures produced syntax errors in Excel. This issue has been resolved.
Excel: Security dimensions caused failed queries
Security dimensions occasionally resulted in failed queries in Excel. This issue has been resolved.
Queries canceled in Excel or Tableau remained running in Snowflake
Queries that were canceled in either Excel or Tableau were subsequently canceled in Design Center, but continued running in Snowflake. This issue has been resolved.
Hadoop recertified for I2024.2.1
I2024.2.1 resolved query issues found with Cloudera CDP. Cloudera Hadoop and HP MapR are supported in I2024.2.1 and moving forward.
AtScale engine failed to start after upgrade
After upgrading, the engine failed to start with an error from pgwire. This issue has been resolved.
PostgreSQL was only listening to the localhost port
PostgreSQL was only listening to the localhost port, which caused the pgwire interface to fail on FQDN installs. This issue has been resolved.
Microsoft Excel: Reports containing Calculation Groups and Calculated Measures with Hidden Measures failed
In Microsoft Excel, reports failed when they contained both a calculation group and calculated measure that contained a hidden measure. This issue has been resolved.
Excel: Level hierarchies with key columns >16 digits did not display properly
Excel reports did not properly display hierarchy levels that used Long values longer than 16 digits as their key columns. When these levels were expanded, Excel created new rows, rather than displaying the full levels. This issue has been resolved.
Excel: ParallelPeriod Produced Incorrect MTD Values on and After Leap Years
In Excel, MDX expressions that included the ParallelPeriod
produced incorrect MTD values on and after leap years. This issue has
been resolved.
Microsoft Power BI Online Service: The Export Data option failed with Matrix Visual Reports
In Microsoft Power BI Online Service, using the Export Data option from a matrix virtual report failed when both of the following conditions were true:
- The AtScale model used in the report contained a security dimension with a lookup rule of Use Filter Key.
- The Power BI report was created with a connection that included
This scenario also caused queries to fail in AtScale. This issue has been resolved.
Power BI: Reports containing measures with UTCNOW() failed
In Power BI, reports containing measures that used the UTCNOW()
function failed. This issue has been resolved.
Power BI: Incorrect outbound queries generated when Filtering by NULL and using SuperDAXMD
When connected to Power BI using SuperDAXMD, filtering reports by NULL values incorrectly yielded no results. This was caused by incorrect outbound queries being generated in AtScale. This issue has been resolved.
Power BI: Calculation Group Totals Did Not Display in Some Situations
In Microsoft Power BI, calculation group totals did not display in visualizations that had multiple measures selected and were filtered by a subset of the calculations. This issue has been resolved.
Power BI: Applying Multiple Degenerate Dimension Level Slicers Reset Other Slicers
In Power BI, applying multiple slicers based on degenerate dimension levels reset other slicers in the report to All. This occurred when all slicers involved were based on degenerate dimension levels. This issue has been resolved.
Tableau: Date Offset Queries for MS SQL Server were not Supported with PostgreSQL Drivers
Previously, AtScale did not support Tableau-generated Date Offset
queries (e.g. Now() - INTERVAL 30 DAYS
) for MS SQL Server using
AtScale's Postgres interface. This issue has been resolved.