📄️ List Aggregates for Cube
List all Aggregates for this Cube.
📄️ Create New Aggregates for Cube
Create one or more new Aggregate(s) for this Cube.
📄️ Retrieve Specific Aggregate
Read a specific Aggregate.
📄️ Update Specific Aggregate
Update a specific Aggregate.
📄️ Delete Specific Aggregate
Delete a specific Aggregate.
📄️ Export Cube Aggregates
Read a specific Aggregate.
📄️ Import Cube Aggregates
Uploads a file containing the proprietary AtScale Aggregate Definition format for System-Defined aggregates. Use the 'multipart/form-data' Content-Type header. The payload follows the form-data format with the 'file' field populated with the binary-encoded file contents. For example: { file: File_Contents_In_Binary }.
📄️ Run Aggregate Maintenance Immediately
Run immediately an aggregate maintenance job.
📄️ Get Current Maintenance Job
Get the running (in progress) maintenance job
📄️ List Maintenance Job History
Get a list of the maintenance jobs for an organization.
📄️ List Maintenance Schedules
Get all active maintenance schedules.
📄️ Create Maintenance Schedule
Create a new maintenance schedule using cron time expression.
📄️ Delete Maintenance Schedule
Delete a maintenance schedule
📄️ List Aggregate Creation History
Get all aggregate creation schedules.
📄️ List Cube Aggregate Creation Schedules
Get creation schedules for a cube.
📄️ Create Cube Aggregate Creation Schedule
Create a new schedule using cron time expression.
📄️ Trigger Aggregate Creation Job
Trigger a new aggregate creation job.
📄️ Delete Aggregate Creation Schedule
Delete the schedule with the specified ID.
📄️ Get Cube Schedule History
Get the history of the schedule with the specified ID.
📄️ Get Aggregate Definition Details
Obtain details about aggregate definitions. You can query by ID, project, project ID, cube ID, status, and subtype.
📄️ Get Aggregate Instance Details
Obtain details about aggregate instances. You can query by definition ID, project ID, cube ID, status, batch ID, table name, start time, and end time.
📄️ Deactivate Aggregate Instance
Deactivate the specified aggregate instances.