📄️ Current List of AtScale Images
AtScale is installed via Helm chart, which provides the necessary configuration parameters and dependencies for your installation. The chart includes all of AtScale's external dependencies and proprietary services.
📄️ AtScale Helm Chart External Dependencies
AtScale is installed via Helm chart, which provides the necessary
📄️ Configuring Cluster Permissions
Before you can install AtScale, you must enable and configure [RBAC
📄️ Enabling Volume Resizing
The default PVC sizes required by AtScale's external dependencies can change from release to release. It is therefore recommended that you enable volume resizing on your Storage Class prior to installing AtScale (or before upgrading, if this is not already set).
📄️ Creating a Values Override File
Before installing AtScale, you need to create a file containing any configuration settings that are specific to your system.
📄️ Configuring Load Balancer Timeouts
The default values file (values.yml) included in the AtScale Helm chart contains settings for configuring load balancing. By default, read timeouts for XMLA and SQL interfaces are set to one day:
📄️ Configuring an External PostgreSQL Instance
If needed, you can configure AtScale to use an external instance of the PostgreSQL database it uses for data storage. This can be done before or after installing AtScale.
📄️ Configuring an External Redis Instance
If needed, you can configure AtScale to use an external instance of the Redis database it uses for caching. This can be done before or after installing AtScale.
📄️ Disabling the Thrift Port
If needed, you can disable AtScale's Thrift port by modifying the values file. You may want to do this to prevent the port's healthchecks from appearing in your log files. This configuration is optional, and can be done before or after installing AtScale.
📄️ Installing AtScale
The following sections describe how to install the AtScale Helm chart.
📄️ Updating the Values Override File
You can update the configuration defined in values.yaml after
📄️ Configuring an External Grafana Instance for Monitoring AtScale
You can optionally set up monitoring for AtScale using the grafana-lgtm chart, which includes preconfigured dashboards for the AtScale application stack.
📄️ Upgrading AtScale
You upgrade AtScale by upgrading its Helm chart.
📄️ Uninstalling AtScale
Use the following procedure to uninstall AtScale.