Git Workflows
You can perform many common Git workflows from within Design Center. Most of these are performed with the Workspace panel and Source Control Panel, both of which are available in the main navigation bar.
Navigating Repositories
You can navigate the Git repositories connected to your AtScale account from the Workspace panel.
At the top of the panel, you can use the Repo and Branch fields to switch between repositories and branches.
You can also drill down through the individual folders within the repository. You can also click the menu icons next to individual files and folders to duplicate, edit, and delete them as needed.
Synching with the remote repository ensures that changes made by other users are available in your local copy.
To sync with the remote repository, open the Source Control panel and click Sync at the bottom of the panel. You can also click the sync icon at the top of the panel.
Reverting Changes
If you have local changes you no longer want, you can revert them from the Source Control panel.
To revert local changes:
In the main navigation bar, click the Source Control icon. The Source Control panel opens.
Expand the Workspace Changes section.
Do one of the following:
- To revert a single change, click the change's context menu and select Revert change.
- To revert multiple specific changes, select them in the list, then click the context menu for the workspace and select Revert selected.
- To revert all changes, click the context menu for the workspace and select Revert all.
The changes are undone and no longer appear in the Workspace Changes area.
Viewing Diffs
If you have made changes locally and want to view exactly what you modified before committing, you can view the diff between the original and modified versions of the file.
To view the diff for a changed file:
- In the main navigation bar, click the Source Control icon. The Source Control panel opens.
- Expand the Workspace Changes section.
- Click the menu icon next to the change you want to view and select Diff against latest changes.
The Diff Editor opens for the selected file.
Committing Changes
You can perform local commits from the Source Control panel.
To commit your changes:
- In the main navigation bar, click the Source Control icon. The Source Control panel opens.
- Expand the Workspace Changes section.
- Select the changes you want to commit. The Commit Message section appears at the bottom of the panel.
- Enter a commit message and click Local Commit.
- To push your changes to the remote repository, click Sync.