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Viewing a Sample of Dataset Rows

AtScale lets you to view a sample of a dataset's rows. Viewing a sample of rows allows you to examine the column values and decide which data to base your model attributes on.

About this task

AtScale queries the underlying table and returns a limit of 10, 50, 100, or 1000 rows. You can configure the limit.


  1. In Design Center, do one of the following:

    • Open the model that contains the dataset you want to view data for and switch to the Canvas tab.
    • Locate the dataset you want to view data for in the Workspace panel.
  2. Click the menu icon for the dataset and select Data Preview. The Data Preview panel opens.

    Columns are listed in natural column order. Use the filter control to search for specific columns.


If your data warehouse is an instance of Google BigQuery, calculated columns do not appear.