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Convert a dbt Model to an AtScale Model

You can use the Convert panel to convert dbt semantic models to SML so that they can be used in AtScale. From there, you can deploy these models as usual so that users can query them from BI tools.


Note: dbt model conversion is a Beta feature.


Before you can convert a dbt model to SML, you must meet the following requirements:

  • You must have already run a successful dbt job.
  • The METRICFLOW_TIME_SPINE table must exist in your dbt database. AtScale relies on this table to perform the conversion.
  • You must use either Google BigQuery or Snowflake as your AtScale data warehouse.

Additionally, AtScale recommends outputting your converted dbt models to a Git repository that does not contain any AtScale models. This is to avoid conflicts with object names.

To convert a dbt model to SML

  1. In Design Center, click Convert in the main navigation bar. The Convert panel opens.

  2. Complete the following fields:

    • Source repository: Select DBT.
    • Source repository: Enter the URL for the Git repository in which your dbt model is stored.
    • Target folder: Enter the folder in the target Git repository where AtScale should output the converted model. AtScale will create this folder if it doesn't already exist. If this folder does exist, AtScale will overwrite its contents with the newly-converted dbt model.
    • Target connection: Enter the data warehouse connection where AtScale will write the data for the converted model.
    • Target database: Enter the database where AtScale should write the data for the converted model.
    • Target schema: Enter the schema where AtScale should write the data for the converted model.
    • Database type: Select your database type. You must select either Snowflake or Big Query.
  3. Click Convert.

Once the model has been converted, it appears in the Workspace panel. You can then view and edit the model in Design Center, or deploy it for use in BI tools.